
Do I have vaginismus?
Difficulty inserting tampons? Pain with vaginal examinations? Difficulty with penetrative sex? … you may have vaginismus What is Vaginismus? Vaginismus is a condition where the muscles of the pelvic floor involuntarily contract or spasm during attempts at penetration....
Latest Blog
Here you will find articles written by our physios covering pelvic health issues and concerns. These are updated regularly – if you are a patient of ours you can opt into receiving our blog posts right into your inbox when a new one goes live!
Articles include everything from general lifestyle advice to what we can treat and what treatment options are available for different conditions. For more personalised, comprehensive care and treatment advice that is tailored to you and your pelvic health needs, make an appointment with one of our highly skilled and passionate physiotherapists.
Exercise and healthy ageing
There is good research showing that as we get older, consistent exercise helps slow down some of the problems that may be associated with ageing process. That’s because exercise has benefits for all the systems in our bodies. It even helps stimulate the brain and...
Dietary tips for people approaching their 50’s and beyond
We’ve put together a few simple dietary suggestions to help with changing nutritional needs as we we get older. Protein Protein helps build muscle, and is essential for the repair and maintenance of body tissues. As we age (and changes begin from the age of 25!)...
Kapiti Women’s Triathlon 2024
February 25th 2024 The Kapiti Women's Triathlon is open to women of all ages and fitness levels. It doesn't matter if you're a first timer or gym fit - there are options to suit everyone. You can enter as an individual or as a team, and you can choose your challenge...
Returning to high impact exercise after childbirth
If you want to run or do other high impact exercise as soon as possible after the birth of your baby, there are a few things you need to be wary of. High impact exercise postnatally has been found to increase the risk of pelvic floor dysfunction nearly five-fold,...
Return to exercise – the first 6 weeks after childbirth
When can I exercise like “normal” after having a baby? Pregnancy and delivery (vaginal or Caesarian Section) affect your body in a way that takes well over 6 weeks to recover from. The 6 week clearance to exercise from your GP is not enough! Birthing people need...
Birth Trauma
What is birth trauma? Birth trauma is trauma that occurs before, during or after childbirth. It can be different for everyone, and it may not occur until quite some time after the birth. Birth trauma can be physical or psychological, or it may be a combination of...
How can pelvic health physiotherapy help with bowel problems?
Bowel dysfunction can cause a lot of distress and because it's embarrassing to talk about, many people put up with problems. But you don't need to suffer - pelvic health physiotherapists can do a lot to help. What bowel conditions can pelvic health...
Let’s cut the crap and talk about bowel control
Problems with loss of bowel control include what we call faecal incontinence (loss of solid or liquid from the bowel) or flatus incontinence (passing of wind when you don't mean to). These problems are more common than you think! 14.7% of New Zealanders surveyed by...
Easing the transition into menopause
What can you do to ease the transition into menopause? Changing hormones leading up to menopause will cause different symptoms for different people. There are often problems with sleep, extra stress and anxiety, and issues with temperature regulation. Thankfully,...
What is perimenopause? Perimenopause refers to the year or years before your periods stop completely. It is a time of natural hormone transition towards menopause. During perimenopause, the body's production of estrogen and progesterone, two hormones made by the...
Got your Easter EGGS??
Do you have Easter EGGS?? - make sure they are chocolate, and NOT Jade eggs! So… what does the evidence say? Gadgets can do 3 things: 1.Give you more feedback through intravaginal sensors to tell you how hard you are squeezing. (Perifit,...
How can physiotherapy help with pelvic pain?
Pelvic pain is something we see a lot of - it can be present in people with endometriosis, but there are lots of other causes too. There are many strategies that can help and we are very happy to give people the tools they need to better manage their symptoms. How...
Endometriosis – what / when / why?
March was endometriosis awareness month. Over this past month we’ve been posting information on endometriosis to help raise awareness so that people can get diagnosed sooner and get the help they need. What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a disease that occurs when...
ACC funding for treatment of birth injuries
If you have given birth on or after 1st October 2022 you may be eligible for funding towards the cost of your treatment with us. 85-90 percent of people do sustain an injury during childbirth – it could be a simple perineal tear that is healing well, or something more...
Menopause and your pelvic health
Menopause brings with it many changes that may affect your bladder, bowel, sexual function and general sense of wellbeing. Pelvic health physiotherapists have unique skills and training to help with this. Factors contributing to pelvic health problems around...