Pelvic pain is something we see a lot of – it can be present in people with endometriosis, but there are lots of other causes too. There are many strategies that can help and we are very happy to give people the tools they need to better manage their symptoms.

How does Pelvic Health Physiotherapy help with Pelvic Pain?

Pelvic health physiotherapists have extra skills and training to help with pelvic pain and other associated symptoms.

  1. We understand the mechanisms behind pain and especially chronic pain.
  2. We take the time to listen to your story and learn about all the factors that could be contributing to your pain.
  3. We can help with assessing and treating muscular tension in your body which builds up due to pain.
  4. Pelvic floor muscle assessment and treatment can help improve bladder, bowel and sexual function. (These issues are often associated with pelvic pain)
  5. We understand breathing dysfunction and how this can contribute to pain.
  6. We can help with stress management strategies. Being in pain causes stress, and stress can make pain worse, so it’s a vicious cycle.
  7. We can help you with physical exercise to help manage pain (see below)
  8. We have pain management devices like TENS units (which we loan out) so that you can try before you buy.
  9. We work with your health care team (including GP, gynecologist, psychologist, dietician, personal trainer etc…)  to help come up with the best management plan for you.
  10. We will help you manage your pain and work towards meaningful goals!

Our focus is on helping you to help yourself.

Exercise and pelvic pain

One of the best strategies for helping to manage chronic pain is to get moving! But we totally understand that when you’re in pain the last thing you may feel like doing is exercising. We can help you with ways to get started and keep you motivated.

Some of the benefits of exericse for people with chronic pain (including endometriosis) include:

  • pain relief
  • improved mood / promoting relaxation
  • reduced brain fog
  • help with sleep
  • better bowel function
  • more energy

If you would like to make an appointment to see one of us click here

Great resources for people with pelvic pain (click the links below):

NZ Endo website

Australian Pelvic pain website

Australian Endo website

A great book for learning more about chronic pain

Great resources for healthcare professionals helping people with pelvic pain:

Clinician information Endo Australia website

Awesome course aimed at GP’s but helpful for all professionals for Endo management