We have the latest evidence on returning to running postnatally!

Fresh off the press – a clinical commentary from a collaboration of different international experts who have reviewed the available research and formulated a comprehensive framework.

Some important points:

1. How little research is done on the postpartum running population and the lack of guidelines to help Physiotherapists. Comparing this to other areas of Physiotherapy like return to sport after ACL reconstruction, this becomes very obvious.

2. The importance of a pelvic health screen and referral to a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist before returning to running – including an internal assessment.

3. Working with a therapist who understands the other demands on your postpartum body at the time you will be returning to running. Considering sleep, nutrition, lactation, energy, pain, fatigue….

4. Address any pre-existing niggles or imbalances in the body. Runners usually hate those conditioning and strength exercises but this is the time to work on it! Aaargh clams and calf raises…

5. Treatment should consider four key areas – Hip, Foot, Pelvic floor and the Abdominals!

6. There is an increased likelihood of running related pain with 4 or more of the following risk factors. Novice runner, prior running injury, vaginal delivery, incontinence symptoms and less than 6.8 hours of sleep/night.

7. Foot specifics- interestingly the changes in hormones during pregnancy can effect the way the foot works when you run. Strengthening the intrinsic (within the foot) muscles can help you get back to running after childbirth. (Also a good pair of cushioned and correct size shoes can help)

8. Child bearing hips – The muscles deep in our hips help to stabilise when we run and land on one foot at a time. Its a good idea to strengthen these muscles (Gluteus medius especially) before getting back on the pavement or trails. Thats those Clams again!

9. It’s never too late to address pelvic floor dysfunction while running. So even if you delivered your baby many years ago, pelvic physiotherapy can still help.

Any questions about how we can help you, give us a call, or email here

You can read the full article here – but it is 14 pages long!

This blog was written by Stephanie Jones, one of our highly experienced staff members here at Pelvic Health Physiotherapy. Steph has a special interest in running and returning to running postpartum. She is a keen runner herself and would love to help you achieve your running goals.